Chief Financial Officer Job in 13820

Chief Financial Officer

At Home Care, Inc. (AHC) is a non-profit, progressive, Medicare certified and NYS licensed home health care organization. With its Central Office located in Oneonta, NY, AHC provides comprehensive in home health

services across 4-Counties of Central NY. With an

integrated financial and clinical leadership approach, the individual will be responsible to manage all financial activities of AHC.

Candidate Qualifications

-Min. 3 years financial planning and analysis within healthcare; minimum, (1) yr. home health care

-Bachelors degree in accounting or finance required

-Strong interpersonal, written and oral communication skill

-Computer system and accounting S/W experience; McKesson Horizon Home Care, preferred

Flex schedule potential. Competitive salary and


For more information, or to submit a CV with salary

requirements in confidence, please direct to:

Laurie Neander, CEO, AHC; 25 Elm Street,

Oneonta NY 13820 (800-783-0613 x101)

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