Archive for June, 2011

SAP Spezialist/-in für SAP R/3 FI und CO Job in München 80796, Bayern Germany

Wir, die BMW Group, sind der weltweit führende Automobilhersteller im Premium-Segment. Unsere Prozess-IT für Planungs- und Finanzprozesse im Unternehmensbereich Konzernberichtswesen ist für die Konzeption und Realisierung von IT-Applikationen im Finanzwesen zuständig. Ziel ist es, mehr Flexibilität im Finanzumfeld der BMW Group zu gewinnen und Durchgängigkeit im innerjährigen externen und internen Berichtswesen sicherzustellen. Der Bereich nimmt die Klammerfunktion und Integrationsrolle für fachbereichsübergreifende Themen ein und verantwortet die Umsetzung von ressortübergreifenden Projekten Read more […]

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on SAP Spezialist/-in für SAP R/3 FI und CO Job in München 80796, Bayern Germany

PROCESS SERVER Job in Melbourne 3000, Victoria Australia

PROCESS SERVER PROCESS SERVER To deliver legal documents in Eastern suburbs. Must be experienced. 9614 3500

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on PROCESS SERVER Job in Melbourne 3000, Victoria Australia

Executive Director level Finance Transformation Programme Manager required for global program at UBS recruitment

You will be the Finance lead for the UBS Too Big to Fail program as part of our Recovery and Resolution Planning effort.Divisional and Functional work has already commenced and you will be joining to assist with Q1 and Q2 deliverables, with the majority of the requirements delivered by end 2012 – however there are anticipated additional requirements which will extend your involvement until 2013.  You will be part of the global Finance Change unit and it is our intention to recruit a seasoned Programme Manager to join this function, with the first program as Too Big to Fail.There is an urgency Read more […]

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: Financial • Comments Off on Executive Director level Finance Transformation Programme Manager required for global program at UBS recruitment

QA Compliant and Documentation Coordinator – 3 months

QA Compliant and Documentation Coordinator – 3 months – Brussels Real Pharma is urgently looking for an experienced QA Compliant and Documentation Coordinator. My client is doing a lot of investments in their QA team but to be fully compliant they need you. Your principal objective will be the support of the Quality Assurance Department in maintaining regulatory required systems for product complaints and documents.* Maintain my client his SOP system as the SOP Coordinator for Europe. * Prepare and/or assist in the preparation of SOPs for Europe.* Maintain the company’s GXP training system as Read more […]

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on QA Compliant and Documentation Coordinator – 3 months

Part Time Administrator Job in Parramatta 2150, New South Wales Australia

Part time ongoing contract – 3 days per weekChance to work for State GovernmentClose to public transportWorking for a key state government department in the Western Suburbs, you will have the chance to work with a dynamic team alongside technical engineers on a part time basis. Close to public transport, this government department is situated in the Parramatta region. Working with a friendly team, you will be providing administration support including data entry and analysis, filing and records management, and basic IT trouble shooting. As the go-to admin assistant for the team, you will be happy Read more […]

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Part Time Administrator Job in Parramatta 2150, New South Wales Australia

INDUSTRIAL SALES REP Job in Tampa 33616, Florida US

Confidential Posting About the Job                                                                     INDUSTRIAL SALES REPCompensation: Base salary, generous commission plan, profit sharing,company auto,full expenses and a very                        comprehensive,fully company paid benefit program. Tampa, Florida based with a highly respected                       85 year old, employee Read more […]

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on INDUSTRIAL SALES REP Job in Tampa 33616, Florida US

PANELBEATER Job in Cairns 4870, Queensland Australia

Contact Information see ad detailsCairns, QLD 4870 Phone:  0429 696 954

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on PANELBEATER Job in Cairns 4870, Queensland Australia

Minőségellenőr Job in Tiszaújváros

Elektronikai termékek gyártásával foglalkozó ügyfelünk részére keresünk megváltozott munkaképességű munkatársakat minőségellenőri munkakörbe. Feladat:termék vizuális ellenőrzése, hibák megkeresése, jelzése, számítógépes rendszerben történő rögzítése. Elvárások:min. szakmunkás iskolai végzettségNRSZH/ORSZI szakvélemény vagy a Nyugdíjbiztosítási Igazgatóság határozata az egészségkárosodás mértékéről váltóműszakban való munkavégzés (nappal, éjszaka egyaránt)jó kézügyességhibátlan látásmonotónia-tűrésprecizitás, türelembüntetlen Read more […]

June 8, 2011 • Tags:  • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Minőségellenőr Job in Tiszaújváros

Esperto amministrativo Job in Firenze 50131, Toscana Italy

Esperto amministrativo  Area: Servizi Titolo di studio richiesto: Laurea in materie economiche o cultura equivalente Società Italiana leader nel panorama della formazione, con sedi operative sul territorio italiano, seleziona per la direzione di Firenze, una persona dinamica da inserire nella sede centrale. Il ruolo prevede una serie di attività relativamente agli adempimenti amministrativi, contabili e di bilancio della società. Il/la candidato ideale ha maturato una pregressa esperienza di 3/4 anni in ruolo analogo presso medie aziende, possiede ottima conoscenza dei principali pacchetti Read more […]

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Esperto amministrativo Job in Firenze 50131, Toscana Italy

Junior Personalberater Job in Stuttgart

Junior PersonalberaterDie SThree Group ist seit über 25 Jahren auf dem Personalbeschaffungsmarkt tätig und gehört zu den europaweit erfolgreichsten Personalberatungen. Dank unserer Unternehmenskultur und der Wertschätzung unserer Mitarbeiter wurden wir vom Handelsblatt als “Great Place to Work 2010” ausgezeichnet.Stetiges Wachstum auch in wirtschaftlichen Krisenzeiten spricht für unsere Kompetenz.Die Position: + Kundenbetreuung, Neukundengewinnung und Auftragsgenerierung+ Konzeption und Schaltung von Stellenausschreibungen + Kandidatensuche, -selektion und -präsentation+ Betreuung des kompletten Read more […]

June 8, 2011 • Tags: , • Posted in: General • Comments Off on Junior Personalberater Job in Stuttgart