Administrative/Receptionist/Part Time Job in St. Catharines L2R5L8, Ontario Canada
Imagine yourself in an office where people really depend on your administrative and clerical support skills. A place where your organizational skills and can-do attitude make a difference every day. Where you're appreciated and rewarded. And, you're earning pay worthy of your expertise!
If that's your vision, Manpower has work for you.
As a part-time Clerical Support Specialist working with our client, you'll be a driving force for keeping the office organized and productive. You'll be the first person contact as a receptionist, produce various reports and proposals, maintain the office calendar and generally keep everyone on track. Your day will be varied, fast paced and never dull. You have a can-do attitude. A stay-on-top-of-it approach. You're the type of person who is compelled to keep things running smoothly. You have 3-5 years of experience in an office environment. And you're a whiz with Microsoft Office Word and Excel.
Are you interested? The ideal candidate will possess:
-3 to 5 years Administrative/Reception experience
-highly proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel
-ability to meet deadlines
-ability to work well in a team environment
You can see it. More challenging work. A more interesting work environment. The opportunity to use your finely honed skills to make a real difference. And to collect pay that reflects your talent and expertise.
At Manpower our reach and resources bring you career options you couldn't find on your own. We're experts at placing each of our candidates into his/her "dream job" - one perfectly matched to skills, ambition and lifestyle.
Apply today!