Aerodynamics Engineer 1 Job in Everett, Washington Us
Aerodynamics Engineer 1
Location Everett, WA
Security Clearance Required? No Security Clearance Required
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Position Description
Assists with the design and analysis of aerodynamic/aerothermodynamic flight vehicles to ensure that requirements are met. Assists with certification and qualification processes of the aerodynamic/aerothermal characteristics of flight vehicles. Works under close supervision.
[ + ] Adaptability
Tries to understand changes in work-group tasks, situations, and the department as well as the logic or basis for change; occasionally seeks information about changes affecting their individual job. Treats changes and new situations as opportunities for learning or growth; focuses on the beneficial aspects of change; speaks positively about the change to fellow work group members. Quickly modifies behavior to deal effectively with changes in the work environment; readily tries new approaches appropriate for new or changed situations; does not persist with ineffective behaviors.
[ + ] Collaboration
Makes an effort to work effectively and cooperatively with fellow work group members; establishes and maintains productive working relationships by involving other work group members as appropriate and thanking them for their assistance. Places higher priority on work group goals rather than on own goals; offers to help other employees when they need assistance.
[ + ] Communication
Makes an effort to clarify purpose and importance; stresses major points; follows a logical sequence. Tries to keep the audience engaged through use of techniques such as analogies, illustrations, humor, an appealing style, body language, and voice inflection. With guidance from others frames messages in line with audience experience, background, and expectations; tries to use terms, examples, and analogies that are meaningful to the audience. Occasionally seeks input from audience; checks understanding; tries to present message in different ways to enhance understanding. Uses syntax, pace, volume, diction, and mechanics appropriate to the media being used. Interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; at times requires guidance from others on how to respond.
[ + ] Continuous Improvement
With guidance from others, reviews routine processes to identify gaps between requirements and current outputs within own work group. Generally identifies potential conditions that contribute to gaps or key variances; tries to explore relationships between conditions and effects; distinguishes causes from symptoms and identifies causes. Occasionally generates basic ideas for solutions; analyzes the effect or impact of each solution on own work group; selects appropriate solutions. Generally tests solutions; gathers feedback on effectiveness; reviews impact on baseline measures; modifies solutions as appropriate to ensure effectiveness.
[ + ] Continuous Learning
Occasionally seeks and uses feedback from fellow work group members and direct supervisor and a limited number of other sources of information to identify appropriate areas for learning. Identifies and participates in routine learning activities (e.g., courses, reading, self-study, coaching, experiential learning) that help fulfill learning needs. Participates in learning activities in a way that makes the most of the learning experience (e.g., takes notes, asks questions, critically analyzes information, keeps on-the-job application in mind, does required tasks). Tries to put new knowledge, understanding, or skill to practical use on the job; furthers learning through trial and error. With guidance from direct supervisor, puts self in unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation in order to ask questions and learn.
[ + ] Aerodynamic Analysis
Fundamental knowledge of aerodynamic or aerothermodynamic analysis principles for flight vehicles, and basic ability to perform assigned aerodynamic analysis tasks under close supervision and direction
[ + ] Aerodynamic Certification
Basic knowledge of certification and/or qualification processes and procedures, including basic awareness of governing regulations and compliance requirements.
[ + ] Aerodynamic Design
Fundamental knowledge of aerodynamic or aerothermodynamic design principles for air vehicles, and basic ability to perform assigned aerodynamic design tasks under close supervision and direction
[ + ] Aerodynamic Testing
Basic familiarization with processes and principles for conducting wind tunnel, ground, or flight testing of aerodynamics or aerothermodynamic characteristics of flight vehicles, their components, or supporting technologies in order to perform testing tasks under close supervision
[ + ] Computational Fluid Dynamic
Basic knowledge of CFD algorithm, grid generation to assist in applications of the tools and technology for flowfield design and analysis.
Basic Qualifications For Consideration
Do you meet the criteria descried in the '
Typical Education/Experience
' section of this requisition?
Typical Education/Experience
Bachelor, Master or Doctorate of Science degree from an accredited course of study, in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics or chemistry. ABET is the preferred, although not required, accreditation standard.
Other Job related information
Closing Date: 11/28/2011about closing dates
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