Air Monitoring Specialist Job in Seattle 98101, Washington US
Meaningful careers are created as a result of the great work we do for our clients. Since 1969, we have partnered with all levels of government, major corporations and multilateral institutions throughout the world to bring deep domain expertise, problem-solving capabilities and a results-driven approach to deliver strategic value across the life cycle of client programs. We work with clients in diverse specialties to develop end-to-end solutions for complex energy, climate change, environment, transportation, social, health, defense and emergency management issues. As a result, we offer careers with high returns in global change, social progress and community outreach.
As a stable and constantly growing organization, we have a passionate commitment to our work and to helping our clients succeed. We combine technical expertise with world-class analytics. We provide room for entrepreneurial thinking and grass-roots innovation to achieve compelling results for both our clients' projects and our own company.