ASSISTANT STORE MANAGERS Job in Jackson, Mississippi Us

Looking for a company where you're told exactly what to do and how to do it? This isn't it. We're Dollar Tree, a unique company offering unique chances to help build a business, and define your career. Plus all the training, benefits and autonomy you need to reach your goals. After all, we didn't work hard to create an environment only customers would love.

As the leading operator of single-price point dollar stores-carrying everything from toys and food to housewares-we give our employees the chance to make their opinions count. There's a constant feeling of respect, camaraderie and open communication; no politics, just purpose. And while our dress code may be business casual, nothing's casual about our focus on making things better and realizing potential.

You'll like us, because you're like us... imaginative, bright, fun, driven. Yes, Dollar Tree is your perfect match.