Auditor recruitment

What does Audit mean?

Audit - is an independent verification of the financial statements for the reliability of the information in. Audit involves certain processes and procedures designed to verify if a true and fair financial statements posted on the company, reflects the results of its operations. Audit also assumes a certain level of understanding of issues and analysis. We should be able to provide our customers the necessary consultation on the rules and the underlying information in the financial statements and help them understand the current requirements.

What is the work of the auditor?

As usual audit is a series of works, which includes research, consultation, information exchange and verification, analysis and reporting. Auditors begin a project with forming a comprehensive picture of the client's business through research, meetings and travel to client sites. At the meetings with financial directors and senior managers discussed aspects of strategy and operational aspects of audit, then the auditor will review and analysis that includes:

The next stage - drawing up the report, which reflects the results of the work you do, accented major issues and makes recommendations.

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