Avionics Mechanic Job in 21010
Avionics is a term used to describe the dozens of electrical systems necessaryto keep aircraft safely in flight. As an Avionics Mechanic in the ArmyNational Guard, you will make sure these systems . from communications andnavigation to lights, weapons, and ignition systems . operate properly.
Through training and practice, you will learn how to perform maintenance ontactical communications-security, navigation, and flight control equipment.Specific duties may include: performing operational and preventive checks andalignments on aircraft flight controls, stabilization systems, avionics, andcontrolled cryptographic equipment; troubleshooting equipment using technicalmanuals and schematic drawings; and inspecting and maintaining electricalsystems that include wiring, electrical connections, and the repair and/orreplacement of instruments.
The skills you learn as an Avionics Mechanic will help prepare you for afuture with commercial airlines, aircraft maintenance firms, aircraftmanufacturers, or other organizations that might have fleets of airplanes orhelicopters.
Earn while you learn
Get paid to learn! In the Army National Guard, you will learn valuable jobskills while earning a regular paycheck and qualifying for tuition assistance.
Job training for an Avionics Mechanic consists of nine weeks of BasicTraining, where you'll learn basic Soldiering skills, and 22 weeks of AdvancedIndividual Training, including practice in repairing electrical systems. Partof this time is spent in the classroom and part in the field.
. Paid training
. A monthly paycheck
. Montgomery G.I. Bill
. Up to 100 percent Tuition Assistance for college or vocational training (upto $4,500 per fiscal year, 1 October . 30 September)
. Retirement benefits for part-time service
. Low-cost life insurance (up to $400,000 in coverage)
. Healthcare Benefits Available
. 401(k)-type savings plan
. Student Loan Repayment Program (up to $50,000, for existing loans)
. High School Diploma or GED (If you do not have a diploma or GED, you maystill apply . ask a recruiter about how the Army National Guard can help youearn your GED.)
. Must be between the ages of 17 and 35
. Must be able to pass a physical exam and meet legal and moral standards
. Must meet citizenship requirements (see http://www.nationalguard.com/monsterfor details)