Board Director Job in Sandy Bay -Tas 7000, Tasmania Australia

Board Director

Tasmania Medicare Local (TML) Limited is one of the first
19 Medicare Locals to be established across Australia through the Federal Government’s health system reforms.
Medicare Locals are being established to better coordinate
the primary health care system, to address service gaps and to meet the needs of local communities – including making it easier for patients to navigate their local health care system.
TML Ltd is seeking to fill four Board Director vacancies resulting from the establishment of the company.
The Board of TML Ltd is comprised of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 9 Directors selected on the basis of their professional skills, industry experience and personal attributes both individually and for the Board as a whole.
The Board provides leadership and corporate governance for the company by setting strategic direction and retaining a positive control to ensure the good order of the organisation on behalf of the membership and other stakeholders.
To be successful, applicants will have experience as a member of a
governance team, demonstrated knowledge and professional experience in a relevant field, strong communication skills and an ability to express and substantiate their considered opinion.
For further information please go to to download a Position Description and a copy of the Board Skills Matrix or contact Mr David Gardiner on telephone 6224 1114.
Written applications including a current resume and contact details of two referees, should be sent to:
Private and Confidential
Mr David Gardiner
Tasmania Medicare Local Ltd GPO Box 1827
Hobart TAS 7001