Business Development Analyst recruitment

We are currently seeking a Business Development Analyst to join our LaSalle Investment Management (Securities) team in Hong Kong. LaSalle Securities is a global real estate securities investment manager with more than $12 billion of public, private and pension fund assets under management.  This group serves institutional investors, governments, corporations and private investors worldwide with innovative real estate investment services that consistently exceed industry benchmarks.  This team is seeking to supplement its Hong Kong-based securities team with an individual with experience in marketing and/or business development.

Role:          Assist Global Product Manager in coordinating and planning new and existing business initiatives.

Tasks:      Assist in coordinating retail, institutional and global programs

      • Overseeing project through coordinating timeline, responding to RFP questions (using a  response database, previous RFPs, or writing fresh answers as necessary), pulling together appendix files, and updating quantitative data.

     • Coordinating approval of RFP before final submission

     • Managing RFP responses database

     • Obtaining meeting agenda

     • Coordinating updates and approval of PowerPoint slides among meeting participants

     • Coordinating preparation of final meeting materials

     • Providing quarterly and/or monthly quantitative and qualitative reports as scheduled or requested

     • Coordinating and assisting with preparation for periodic meetings and product reviews


LaSalle Investment Management is an Equal Opportunity Employer