Business Services Manager. $138-123K. ASX Listed Clients. T/O’s Up to $200M? Job in 2000, New South Wales Australia

This firm is seeking a Manager to take charge of a team of 5 inexperienced Junior staff and develop them to operate like a well oiled machine. The team has had little to no experience with ASX listed clients and are at varying stages through their CA.

Your challenge is to train, grow and develop this team to the point where they will be exposed to both public and private clients with turnovers in excess of $200M. Due to the failure of your 2 predecessors, success in this role will roll out a red carpet to Partnership.

On an individual level, the firm understands your knowledge is streaking ahead of your peers and will support your ongoing training and education. External workshops, ICAA run advanced seminars and complex taxation lectures will provide the technical understanding that will keep you ahead. Furthermore, the high end corporates you gain as contacts and the networking opportunities presented will ensure the transition to Partnership is a smooth one.

While this challenge is undoubtedly tough, it doesn’t mean you can’t do it without having a good time. This top 20 firm offers tipping competitions, sports teams, charity events (including Movember and Breast Cancer month), BBQ’s, pool competitions and of course, Friday drinks.

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As a leading recruiter in Accounting, I have a unique insight in to the market. Feel free to contact me for a chat about your career and where you want it to go.