Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Job in Kelso 98626
Cowlitz County, WA
Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Monthly Salary Steps Range:
Salary (DOE): $87,084 - $108,852
The Cowlitz County Prosecuting Attorney's Office has an opening for a Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Starting salary begins at $87,084 and is based upon qualifications and experience. Duties of this position include providing legal advice to all county departments, elected officials and Board of County Commissioners on a variety of issues, representing the county in negotiations and litigation, and other duties as assigned. The Chief Civil Deputy supervises and trains the civil division deputy prosecutors; manages litigation activities of major civil cases, including occasional oversight of outside counsel.
Minimum requirements:
include membership in good standing with the WSBA, five years related experience, preferably in government. Experience with trials, public and media contacts, and knowledge and experience in courtroom protocol, professional writing skills legal procedure. Prior civil litigation experience preferred. Experience in employment and labor law is a plus.
To Apply:
Application packets will be accepted by mail, fax or email.
Application packet must contain cover letter, resume, at least three professional references, and county employment application, which can be found at:
or by calling Personnel at (360) 577-3065 or TDD (360) 577-3061.
Open until filled.
Send application packets to:
Susan Baur
Cowlitz County Prosecuting Attorney
312 SW First Avenue
Kelso, Washington 98626
Fax: (360) 414-9121
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.