Chief Compliance Officer – Private Investment Funds recruitment

 Position is responsible for the ongoing implementation, administration and review of investment advisory compliance programs of several affiliated registered investment advisors managing private investment funds to ensure regulatory and fiduciary obligations are met. 

Functions will include:
• Advising senior management on the establishment and maintenance of an effective culture of compliance within the firm.
• Becoming involved in analyzing and resolving significant compliance issues that arise.
• Ensuring that the steps in the firm’s compliance process – risk identification, establishing policies and procedures and implementing those policies and procedures – are appropriate and are undertaken timely by staff of the firm to whom those functions have been assigned.
• Becoming personally involved in various steps of the compliance process such as serving on risk or policies and procedures committees when necessary and appropriate.
• Ensuring that compliance policies and procedures are comprehensive, robust, and current and reflect the firm’s business processes and conflicts of interest.
• Ensuring that appropriate principles of management and control are observed in the implementation of policies and procedures. These principles include separation of functions, clear assignment of responsibilities, measuring results against standards and reporting outcomes.
• Reviewing Marketing materials (including pitch books, PPMs and LPAs) and investor communications for compliance with the Advisors Act.
• Managing process for the review and authorization of the public stock trading activities of employees.
• Ensuring there is timely and appropriate review of material and repetitive compliance issues as indicators of possible gaps and weaknesses in policies and procedures or risk identification processes and facilitates the use of such information in keeping the firm’s compliance program evergreen.
• Establishing a compliance calendar that identifies all important dates by which regulatory, client reporting, tax and compliance matters must be completed to ensure that these important deadlines are not missed.
• Promoting a process for regularly mapping a firm’s compliance policies and procedures and conflicts of interest to disclosures made to clients so that disclosures are current, complete and informative.

• MBA/JD or Bachelors degree with equivalent work experience. 
• A minimum of ten years investment advisory compliance as well as experience serving as the Chief Compliance Officer of a registered investment adviser.
• Private equity and real estate experience, SEC service and Industry compliance certification preferred.
• Chief compliance officer (CCO) should be competent and knowledgeable regarding the Advisers Act and will be empowered along with management of each fund with full responsibility and authority to develop, monitor and enforce appropriate policies and procedures for the firm
• CCO must have a good understanding of the requirements imposed by the Advisers Act, the related rules, and other aspects of the regulatory regime for advisers. CCO should also remain current regarding changes to the regulatory requirements as the SEC changes and adds to them.
• CCO should have experience with risk identification and assessment and know how to identify conflicts and other compliance factors creating risk exposure for the firm and its clients.
• CCO should have experience in creating policies and procedures (including implementation) addressing all conflicts of interest and other risks the firm is exposed to.

To apply please submit your resume to Jack Kelly –