CHILDCARE DIRECTOR Job in Cobram 3644, Victoria Australia


Cobram District Child services

About the Job

RENMARK KINDER RESORT CHILDCARE CENTRE CHILDCARE DIRECTOR Full time We are looking for a dynamic and enthusiastic Director to lead our team at our Childcare Centre facility. The successful applicant will be responsible for the overall management of our childcare staff and the day to day operations of our childcare centre. A Diploma or Degree in Early Childhood qualifications is essential. Applicants should have previous experience in early childhood, as well as excellent leadership skills. This position is full time. For a position description, please contact Sheryl Morris on 0400243949 Applications to be submitted via email to or in writing to: The Manager, Renmark Kinder Resort, PO Box 450, Cobram Vic. 3644. Applications close Friday 2nd December, 2011.