Civil Design Engineer – Land Development $118K-$108K Residential Subdivisions? Job in 2000, New South Wales Australia



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Some roles are just not what people are looking for. As Australia’s East Coast #1 Civil Recruiter, I have roles varying from Specialist Consultancies to the Top Tier ‘s that may be more interesting to you.

If there was something better out there, wouldn`t you like to know about it? Give me a call to find out more or even for a confidential chat about the market.    

Caterina – The Civil Recruitment Specialist.

W: 1300 88 32 11

M: 0404834430 (All Hours)

At the same time feel free to forward your resume to  

There is only one

If you have not applied - why not?   

Some Recent Placements;

Principal Civil Engineer (Urban Development) - $200K.

Senior Civil Engineer (Land Development) $140k

Senior Road Highway Engineer - $185K.

Senior 12D Designer - $105k