Clinical Nurse (Chronic Disease) Job in Begonia 4487, Queensland Australia

Community and Allied Health, St George, South West Health Service District.

Remuneration value up to $90 628 p.a., comprising salary between $74 148 - $79 431 p.a., employer contribution to superannuation (up to 12.75%) and annual leave loading (17.5%) (Nurse Grade 6) (Applications will remain current for 12 months).

Duties/Abilities: Work within multidisciplinary health care teams across a range of health care delivery sites including Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services to provide quality comprehensive chronic disease self management support for the residents of the South West Health Service District. 

If you are not a Queensland Health employee, a criminal history check may be conducted on the recommended person for the job.

Enquiries: Annmarie McErlain (07) 4505 1538

Job Ad Reference: H11SW10787
Application Kit: (07) 4616 6258 or
Closing Date: Monday, 28 November 2011