Coffee Trader recruitment

We are looking for Trainee Coffee Traders to join our Commercial Trainee Programme.

If successful, you will be placed in a specific commercial role from day one, allowing you to learn and develop essential skills and business knowledge needed to build a successful career within commodities, through one dedicated development programme.

We are a global business, and many of the positions in this programme will require participants to be internationally mobile and enthusiastic about the prospect of working in our varied locations Being hands on is essential and often the best way to learn. We are particularly keen to hear from you if you have specific experience knowledge of one of our key regions.

The successful candidates will join at a time when global demand for agricultural commodities is at an all-time high and unprecedented challenges and opportunities exist. 

The roles and locations

Apply now - applications close on 29 February 2012 for opportunities in starting in Spring/Summer 2012 - see below for full details of how to apply.

Please note we are looking for graduates with 2 to 3 years relevant commercial experience, this Programme is not open to new graduates.

How will the programme work?

Successful candidates will join us in the Spring/Summer of 2012. 

We will recruit people for specific roles if we believe they have the most appropriate experience, motivation and personal skills. 

During the first 12 months, you will receive training, development and support relating to your specific role, and to EDF Man and the commodities industry in general. You will have the opportunity to meet and learn from our experts and leaders while developing your skills as a key member of a commercial team, giving you the best possible balance of ‘on the job’ training, soft skills development and a broader business education.


Features of the Commercial Academy

Who are we looking for?

If you have the following qualities, we are keen to hear from you:

Company Background

EDF Man was established in 1783. Today the company is a leading provider of commodities, logistics and risk management services. We provide a comprehensive range of supply chain services in commodities from origination, production, sourcing, storage and delivery to risk management solutions, and also offer a wide range of careers in support roles.

EDF Man is a highly entrepreneurial environment providing the opportunity to build an international career in a partnership culture.

We will not be able to respond to each applicant personally; if you have been successful in your application we will contact you by early March at the latest.