Contracts Administrator Job in Overland Park 66204, Kansas Us


Contract opportunity for a Contracts Administrator / Buyer in Kansas. Benefits, Per diem, mobilization and demobilization are available! Institute of Supply Management ( ISM ) certification and nuclear environment experience are a plus. Apply now!




Questions you will be asked:

• What is your experience as a materials buyer, supply chain manager, purchasing manager or contracts administrator? Include years of experience, responsibilities and materials purchased.

• Provide details of your educational background and training. Do you have an ISM certification?

• What, if any, is your experience in this role in a nuclear, energy, cogen or fossil fuels environment?

• What days and times are you available for a phone interview?

This Job is located in Overland Park, KS - United States


See over 1,000 Power Plant / Energy Jobs on

Keywords: materials,purchasing,energy plant,buyer, contracts administrator, nuclear, power generations, materials planner, materials buyer, nuclear plant, site materials coordinator, materials coordinator, maintenance resource coordinatorcost control, cost controls, control costs, cost specialist, cost engineer, cost analysisdirector of purchasing, director or procurement, purchasing manager, manager of purchasing, director of supply chain, supply chain director, procurement director, director of procurement