Creative & Motivated Lead Developer at Great Big Solutions Ltd. (Vancouver, BC, Canada; Edmonton, AB, Canada; Calgary, AB, Canada) (allows remote)

Job Description

Our flagship product is our first priority right now, and while it is working great - I would love to see how you can make it AMAZING. We are dedicated to providing the tools, atmosphere, and team to make your job fun - and in the process we get lots of work done! Our clients are post-secondary institutes across the globe - they are amazing people to work with and you will be a part of a global change happening right now in education, health care, and technology - helping our clients be delighted in the transition from using paper to web/mobile systems built by you. Here's what will indicate that you're the right person for our team:

We have a small team, so much of your own testing is required, but we also do in-house testing with team members who also perform support and training functions.

Skills Requirements

About Great Big Solutions Ltd.

Everyone on this team is here because they are great at what they do.  You will have all the support you need from the company (education, tools, flexible hours, etc) but you also have complete freedom to find the best methods and approaches to complete your work.

Now that our products are stable, we sometimes have "free" time to work on projects of your choice.

Employee shares are currently being structured and will be available shortly.

Ideas to enhance or change how we do things are warmly welcomed, especially if it automates or improves any current processes.

You're also welcome to crush the CEO in a tennis game, if that's your thing.

Joel Test score: 11 out of 12

The Joel Test is a twelve-question measure of the quality of a software team.

How to apply

Please send your cover letter, resume, and portfolio to  Only those selected for consideration will be contacted.


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May 22, 2013 • Posted in: Technology

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