Data Architect Job in Sydney -Nsw 7000, New South Wales Australia
Data Architect
Data Architect
Key Technical Role, Attractive Remuneration
Our client is one of Tasmania’s largest and most diverse organisations employing a highly skilled workforce across a number of locations in the state. As a key provider of a number of services to the Tasmanian public and businesses, their objectives are built around thorough medium and long term planning coupled with excellent operational implementation. As a result the wider community will benefit from our clients efforts as they seek to complement their core business with a new range of technologies and services.
Based in Hobart and reporting to the Manager Architecture, this position will work within a dedicated team of Enterprise, Business, Technology and Application Architects as well as Developers and Business Analysts. Your primary objectives include taking responsibility for all data architecture encompassing its definition, structure, integration, quality, security and maintenance. As the owner of the principles and guidelines for the organisation’s data architecture you will create data models of the information asset that relates business models to applications. The position is also expected to act autonomously with guidance set by the Manager Architecture.
This is an excellent opportunity for an individual with extensive experience in IT, including previous experience as a Data or Information Architect. With a strong focus and knowledge of modelling at a corporate, logical and physical level you will be experienced in metadata management, business
semantics as well as process and data modelling. Your skill set will also encompass a good knowledge
of the interfaces and interrelationships between business systems with an emphasis on the flow of data. A strong business acumen and work ethic coupled with tertiary qualifications in Information Technology or Commerce will be highly regarded.
Please contact Richard Durand at KPMG on (03) 6230 4000 for a copy of the position description. To apply, email your application to quoting reference 74751. Applications close on Tuesday 10 April 2012.
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