Director, Construction Services Job in Philadelphia 19103, Pennsylvania Us

A respected national multi-office consulting firm based in the Philadelphia Region, our client is
a construction services company that provides expertise in Construction Claims Analysis, CPM Scheduling, Project Management, Surety Services and Construction Audits.

They are looking for a Director level professional that can assist in managing their Philadelphia office. The ideal candidate will have the following:

(1) Academic degree from a top-ranked university
(2) Large construction project credentials
(3) LEED BIM experience, credentials, or expertise
(4) Should now be a Senior Project-level Manager
(5) Impressive credentials (Awards, Letters of Recommendations)
(6) Knowledge and experience with CPM schedules
(7) Public speaking experience
(8) Experience giving Testimony (if possible)
(9) PE preferred, but not required

TO APPLY: Please email your resume to