Electronics Technician Job in Adelaide 5000, South Australia Australia

Electronics Technician

School of Civil, Environmental Mining Engineering

Job Reference Number: 2233

We are seeking an individual to support the growing commitment for teaching, research and commercial activity in the School.  You will be expected to contribute to maintaining efficient work practices in the laboratories, through enthusiasm for the type of work required, and provision of a diversity of skills.  The primary focus of this position is to carry out technical investigations, calculations and fieldwork in support of major research projects and commercial testing, and to assist the School’s Computing Officer in the delivery of computing services to the School.

Position Requirements

You should have:

§         demonstrated ability and willingness to work independently and as part of a team

§         the capability to perform a range of physically demanding tasks

§         an awareness of Occupational Health and Safety issues

§         good communication skills


Salary: HEO5 ($53,893 – $60,140) per annum. (A 3% increase applies to all salaries from 3 July 2011) The successful applicant will be appointed at an appropriate level depending on qualifications and relevant experience.


Plus an employer superannuation contribution of 17% applies.

Term of Position

This continuing full-time position, is available immediately.

Further Information

Please refer to the position description or, alternatively, contact Professor Martin Lambert, Head of School, on 08 8303 5838 or email: mlambert@civeng.adelaide.edu.au .


Closing date: 25 November 2011

Your application must:

§         include your résumé/Curriculum Vitae

§         address the knowledge and experience/qualifications within the position description

§         quote the relevant reference number

§         include residency status

§         include the names, addresses and/or email details of three referees

Email applications to Prof. Martin Lambert  mlambert@civeng.adelaide.edu.au or forward to:

Prof. Martin Lambert
Head of School
School of Civil, Environmental Mining Engineering
The University of Adelaide
South Australia 5005

Previous applicants need not apply.