Entry Level Quantitative Analysts recruitment

PhD/MS in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, or Engineering from Top Universities – Entry Level Quantitative Analysts

The most prestigious financial firms are looking for talented PhD’s in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics or Engineering to support research and development in exposure to work with some of the highest professionals worldwide within the quantitative spectrum. Successful applicants will learn from the ground up, learning how to price and analyze complex derivative models. Work will require excellent problem solving, mathematical and programming abilities in C/ C++ or Java. Right applicants must have deep understanding of financial markets and financial derivatives. Those with experience from other financial companies are welcome and that experience will be compensated accordingly.

This is an entry level position and for exceptionally talented candidates this is a huge opportunity at the prestigious top financial institutions globally positioned in the marketplace with a wide reputation for their excellence in the quantitative spectrum.

This candidate will typically have zero to two years of relevant quantitative research experience. Please Email Resume in WORD format below.