Experienced Process Chemist / Engineer

Janssen Pharmaceutica behoort samen met de andere bedrijven op onze campus tot de wereldwijde groep Janssen, die deel uitmaakt van de Johnson Johnson-groep. We ontwikkelen geneesmiddelen voor patiënten, artsen en andere zorgverstrekkers.

Experienced Process Chemist / Engineer - Project Leader

Pharmaceutical Development Manufacturing Sciences, the CMC organisation within Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., is employing several hundreds of scientific researchers and specialized technicians at its site in Beerse, Belgium. API Small Molecule Development department is responsible for the development of processes for the supply of large quantities of new chemical entities that are needed for RD and commercial purposes. Moreover, new chemical processes are developed according to customer requirements concerning safety, environment, technology, economy and quality. We also are responsible for adequate information about those processes to guarantee successful registration of new medicines.
In the department of API Small Molecule Development we currently have a vacancy for (m/f):

Experienced Process Chemist / Engineer with role as Project Leader


Main responsibilities :


Skills and Competencies


Kijk ook op www.careers.jnj.com