Financial Engineer – Chicago, IL recruitment
Analyze financial info to produce forecasts of economic conditions prepare financial reports to determine/maintain records. Apply statistical theory methods to collect, organize, analyze, interpret financial price data. Write study reports statistical related docs in support of the discovery research. Utilize complex quantitative research methodology to analyze market trends identify breakthrough global trading strategies. Construct monthly, quarterly annual written reports. Must have exp. in Asset Pricing, Financial Econometrics, Dynamic Models in Finance, Asset Pricing, Time-Series Analysis, Portfolio Theory, Macroeconomics, Bayesian Statistics, Corporate Finance, Microeconomics. Must be proficient in MATLAB, R, C#, C, Java, SQL, Stata, SAS, Microsoft Word, Excel PowerPoint. Master’s Degree in Business Administration req. Mail resume salary reqs to HR at AlphaWorks Capital Management, LLC, 125 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3010, Chicago, Illinois 60606; must specify “Job Ref. # 2011753”