Financial Markets and Data Management Analyst

The Markets Group at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is responsible for the implementation of monetary and foreign exchange policy, providing payments and custody services to foreign central banks, and auctioning and issuing Treasury debt as the fiscal agent for the U.S. Treasury. As part of these duties, it executes transactions in the open market and conducts detailed analysis of financial market developments in support of the monetary policy decision-making process.

The International Market ("IM") Directorate within the Markets Group is responsible for providing in-depth analysis of global financial market developments and international policy matters that contributes directly to the broader analytical work conducted by the Markets Group specifically and the Federal Reserve System more broadly. The Directorate also has many operational responsibilities, including executing U.S. foreign exchange policy and foreign exchange customer transactions, managing the U.S. foreign exchange reserves, and managing foreign exchange swap lines with foreign central banks.

The Global Foreign Exchange and Commodities ("GFEC") staff within the Directorate is seeking a Business Support Analyst ("BA") to assist in the analysis of developments in the foreign exchange and commodities markets; support the foreign currency and foreign fixed income operations executed by the Directorate; manage the range of data resources that advance the Directorate's core businesses; and provide support to the Foreign Exchange Committee ("FXC").


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This position requires access to FOMC information, which is limited to "Protected Individuals" as defined in the U.S. federal immigration law. Protected Individuals include, but are not limited to, U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, U.S. permanent residents who are not yet eligible to apply for naturalization and U.S. permanent residents who have applied for naturalization within six months of being eligible to do so.

September 27, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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