Financials (FIG) Equity Analyst | Hedge Fund | New York

A Value-Investing Long/Short Hedge Fund with an expert cross-sector team is looking to build upon its financials desk by adding a leading sell side FIG Analyst or junior buyside banks Insurance specialist.

The Hedge Fund offers spectacular opportunities for organic growth given its niche status and currently have 7 Equity Analysts reporting directly into 2 internationally renowned Equity Portoflio Managers. Each Analyst coveres a specialsist sector, ranging from Natural Resources, Tech, Healthcare and Industrials and so given the Hedge Fund's continued growth they are now looking to expand the Fincnancials Equity coverage.

The right candiate will have up to around four yearsof sell or buy side stock-pciking experience and have covered FIG or in-depth research of US/Global Banks Insurance sectors.

Requirements -

* Current or most recently 3+ years buy/sell side experience

* Excellent research, presentation and communication skills

* Strong Financials/FIG/Banks/Insurance knowledge and prior coverage of the US and Global markets

* Strong Ivy League Academic Records, with relevant financially related degrees

This is an excellent opportunity to utilise your key skills within the Financials sector and move into an Analyst role at a well-respected niche Hedge Fund, offering superb prospects for learning and development.

To apply for the role, please send your CV in WORD-format to or vist our website at

April 25, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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