Fixed Income Elek Market Support Analyst recruitment

Based in London, one of the leading financial market place in Europe, you will join the Production Services team (ITEC/PRD/EMA), which manages the service support of its users of the European, Middle-East and Africa branches (3 300 users).

As a contractor, you will support the users of the Investment Banking Division on Fixed Income Electronic market applications in London.

Main responsibilities

Your environment:

Within Société Générale Corporate Investment Banking (SGCIB), the Information Technologies Department (ITEC), in charge of providing other departments with the Information System support. In every SG CIB’s implantation all over the world, ITEC manages high quality and competitive tools respecting technology and cost standards.

Based in London, you will join the Production Services team (ITEC/PRD/EMA), which manages the service support of its users in the European, Middle-East and Africa branches.

You will be sited in trading floor near your main clients (in the Proximity support desk), and will roll week by week in the local Production Services team desk.

Your role:

As a Support Analyst in a very dynamic environment, you will support the users of the Investment Banking Division on Fixed Income. Your user base is mostly in London and consists of Front-office and external Client Support team.

Among the ongoing support of the trading cycle, your main responsibilities will be to:

The assignment in a nutshell:

Your good analytical skills and ability to summarize key messages, your good communication skills, your adaptability and self control will enable you to succeed in your support mission!

It is also very important to have a client-driven approach Service oriented as well as an ability to assist decisions, along to your local senior management.

Degree of autonomy

Level of authority

Internal external contacts

Specific context



Graduate from University degrees and Engineers, with an exposure to Finance, you ideally have a functional knowledge in finance and global markets, more precisely on Fixed Income markets.

Past experience


Technical skills

You have an understanding of Unix Linux, Windows, SQL (Sybase/Oracle)

Knowledge of Java, C++, Scripting, Tibco, Fix messaging and Network are a plus.

Personal abilities