GEOLOGISTS – $164,000 – $122,000
- Work with reputable senior professionals
- Autonmous position reporting to the Mine Manager
- Accommodation, travel costs to drive in and out to site and food is all provided.
- When on site - opportunities to enjoy the town and beach.
- Ideal way to be home on the weekends with family and friends while developing key skills and experience.
- Choice of either 4/3 or 7/7 roster
- Geologist position – Degree and 1-4 years experience.
- Senior Geologist - Degree and 5+ years experience
Click the “APPLY” button below to submit your application for review.
The role will be discussed with you in full detail and only when you are satisfied will your details be placed into our client’s shortlist. Confidentiality assured.
As Australia's Leading Geology Recruiters, I specialise in the recruitment of Mine, Project, Exploration and Resource Geologists. I have contact with the International Players, Mid-tier Producers, Junior/Start-Up Explorers and Consultancies, meaning a focused choice for you
Amy-Lee Blakiston (Leading Specialist Geology Recruiter)
(08) 9228 4377 or 1300 696 900
0438722264 (A/H)
There is only one
Further opportunities in WA:
- Exploration Geologist - Perth campaign
- Graduate/Junior Exploration Geologist - Kalgoorlie Based
- Exploration Geologist - FIFO 8/6
- Exploration Geologist - FIFO 9/5
- Mine Geologist - FIFO 8/6 - UG
- Mine Geologist - FIFO 12/9 - OP
- Mine Geologist - FIFO 9/5 - OP
- Mine Geologist - FIFO 9/5 - O
- Senior Mine Geologist - FIFO 12/9 - OP
- Senior Mine Geologist - FIFO 8/6 - Gold OP
- Senior Mine Geologist - FIFO 8/6 - Iron Ore
- Senior Mine Geologist - Perth Based initially followed by 8/6 - Brand new mine site