GEOLOGISTS! Mine, Exploration, Project, Resource $218K-$104K

Take advantage of a shortage of Geologists in the market across Mining and Exploration.

After more money? Better Projects? Different Commodity? More Field/Office time? Change of roster or residential situation? Improved training and development?

Below are the current positions available through Personnel Concept and GeologyJobs:

Northern Territory

South Australia

Senior Mine Geologist – SA: DIDO/FIFO, Multiple commodities

Geologist – VIC: DIDO, Multiple commodities


Chief Geologist – TAS: DIDO, Gold

APPLY button now to submit for any of these roles. Please don’t hesitate to call direct for more info and rest assured, all communication is in strict confidence. No details are released until approved with you.

CV not up to date? Send me an email with a brief profile for consideration.

(08) 9228 4377 or 1300 696 900

0409 904 911 A/H