Head of Corporate Planning recruitment
Coordinate the Group’s corporate planning initiatives.
Manage business plans for all business and support divisions and respective departments along the five financial and non-financial dimensions (Financial, Customer, Processes, Organizational, Risk)
Manage alignment and consistency across all business plans on a Group-wide level.
Continuously monitor, track and review the business and support division plans and its related scorecards (incl. KPIs, goals and objectives) to update the overall business plan for QNB Group on a quarterly basis as part of the group wide performance management.
Define, establish, continuously update, further develop and refine non-financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for all business and support divisions and departments on a Group wide level within the frame of the group wide performance management.
Closely align with Group Risk and obtain all input for risk related KPIs from Group Risk.
Develop, manage and update tools (e.g., dashboards) to measure performance against strategic objectives and identified organizational priorities.
Continuously review monitor if corporate planning activities and policies are in line with best practice standards and keep update standards as and when required.