Health Information Services

Health Information Services - Business Analyst

Acts as an expert/senior consultant to Medical Center customers, applying and optimizing the application of information technology to business objectives. Translates business objectives into technical requirements. Identifies and researches issues of institutional and strategic importance. Manages assignments that involve the highest level of business process and technological complexity. Actively mentors other HIS consultants to expand their expertise and knowledge. Key Functions and Expected Performances: Collects user requirements and develops business case as indicated throughout the project lifecycle Evaluation, documentation, and results analysis may involve iterative requirements as defined by stakeholders Investigates business objectives and functional requirements of stakeholders in the context of both the external and internal environment. Uses appropriate tools and methodologies to model business and data elements associated with business or clinical processes. Proposes process and/or information technology adaptations that would improve the organization's competitive capabilities. Identifies significant proposed process changes and assesses level of risk and/or probability of success versus targeting more evolutionary objectives Contributes to strategic planning for future information system technology. Documents organizational structure, resources (people, agreements, capabilities), work processes or flows, and data associated with business model as well as adaptations necessary to meet proposal goals Develops a business case to describe anticipated benefits and impacts of proposal (on ability to meet client/institutional objectives, cost revenue, human resources, organizational knowledge, information technology, and physical plant). Analyzes potential to meet objectives with existing VUMC architecture. Is an expert in to the medical center's objectives, strategy, process, and standards for building information architecture; educates clients in these areas. Identifies how existing components may be used to meet customer objectives. Documents functional specification for required new components. Discusses, proposed solutions (process and technology) with client and achieves consensus on solutions that incorporate institution's needs and perspectives. Evaluation of available vended industry software solutions. Educates client on types and level of functional requirements necessary for a "request for information" or "request for proposal." Insures inclusion of institutional requirements, e.g., for security and audit trails, in vendor requests for information. Is an expert in vended solutions and compares vended systems for fit with required functionality and with VUMC information technology architecture. Is an expert in in-house technical capabilities sufficient to allow cost-benefit comparison of vended solutions versus in-house system development. Effecitvely interacts with vendors on behalf of customers within the Medical Center. Documents and evaluates project outcomes to facilitate organizational memory and knowledge transfer including: User challenges, needs, interests, and concerns Policy and procedure issues Existing systems and databases Organizational changes Useful communications, analysis, presentation techniques Best practices Participates in and develops orientation and continuing education programs. Attends professional education event (or equivalent) at least annually as approved by manager. Prepares education or research program/presentation or publication every 2 years. Mentors new employees Under minimal supervision, coordinates and oversees the evaluation and initial planning phases of projects Organizes team resources, including steering committees, project teams and work groups, as needed. Develops high-level project plan and achieves buy in on task responsibilities and timelines from the appropriate team members. Defines communications, issue management and scope management strategy and achieves approval from the appropriate team members. Evaluates project risks and develop contingency plans, as appropriate. Defines project objectives and define success measurements. Develops and communicates appropriate documentation, including project overview, scope, team structure, status reports, issues management reports, change control reports, meeting notes, etc. as required and in a timely manner With minimal supervision, serves as project leader for complex projects, to ensure timely completion of tasks in line with project and enterprise objectives Coordinates and leads evaluation committee, technical evaluation team and work group meetings, as required Manages and communicates project status to team members and executive staff, including management of project website, consistent status reporting and presentations. Identifies, documents, and manages project issues and escalates, as appropriate, to achieve timely resolution. Ensures compliance with regulatory agencies including meeting deadlines, when applicable. Ensures integrity and security of institutional data Demonstrates ability to multi-task effectively Develops measures to quantify benefits Places quantitative or qualitative evaluation measures into project requests and evaluations Identifies operational benefits for line management such as revenue gains, market share improvement, expense reductions, quality gains, or customer satisfaction improvements Actively consults with line management to ensure they achieve beneficial use of proposed information technology while supporting and suggesting measures that quantify benefits.. Obtains data in evaluation measures