Heavy Equipment Mechanic Job in 03302
State of New Hampshire
About the Job
STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Department of Transportation HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC $34,382.40 - $40,372.80 The NH Dept. of Transportation, Bureau of Mechanical Services in Swanzey, has a vacancy for a full time Heavy Equipment Mechanic (20239). The Heavy Equipment Mechanic performs journeyman level diagnostic and repair work on NHDOT motorized fleet equipment to ensure its serviceability Min. Qualifications: Education: Graduation from high school or G.E.D. equivalent and completion of apprenticeship training in automotive service and repair. Possession of an Associate's degree in automotive mechanics from a recognized college or technical school may be substituted for the apprenticeship training program. Experience: Five years' experience as a journeyman mechanic in a large commercial or highway garage repairing/servicing heavy equipment including large engines and drive trains. Each additional year of approved work experience may be substituted for one year of required formal education. LICENSE/CERTIFICATION: Must possess a NH CDL-B license with air brake endorsement. The applicant's Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) must meet the minimum standards as established by the hiring agency. Must certify to perform State of NH Motor Vehicle Inspections within 30 days of hire. Within six months of employment must obtain Air Conditioning Certification to perform repairs on vehicle air conditioning equipment. SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Shall provide own standard assortment of automotive mechanic tools thru 1", 26 mm diameter and 1/2" drive, test light, and basic digital multi meter. For further information regarding this position, please contact Bill Dusavitch at (603) 271-3721. For an employment application package, please visit our website at www.nhdot.com or call (603) 271-3736. Please reference position #20239 on the application. Send completed application and notarized motor vehicle release form to NH Dept. of Transportation, Bureau of Human Resources, 7 Hazen Dr., PO Box 483, Concord, NH 03302-0483. Employees will be required to pay an agency/union fee. EOECLICK THE IMAGE TO VIEW THE AD!
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