High Yield/ Investment Grade analyst, blue chip bond fund

Our client is a blue chip, non institutional investment group. They have recently raised a new credit fund, which will invest in global high yield (and some investment grade) opportunities.

They are looking for a High Yield/ Investment grade Credit Analyst, who will work on the investment analysis, evaluation, credit analysis and portfolio management of investments for the fund. This will focus on both high yield and investment grade debt, although the main focus will be on high yield. It’s a generalist role in terms of sector.

They hope that the role will one day lead to more portfolio management experience.

Candidates will be credit analysts from the major sell or buy side firms, with strong experience in high yield and investment grade credit investing. In terms of level of experience, I sense that its suitable for between 5-10 years in the industry.

The role is based in London and salary guide £80,000  - £100,000 with bonus



October 25, 2013 • Tags:  • Posted in: Financial

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