Insolvency Intermediate. $48-40K. Advantages of a Small-Team? Job in 2000, New South Wales Australia

By operating in a small team this role provides a number of advantages for your technical experience and career. Grow and develop quicker than at another practice through the variety of work and industries to which you will be exposed. You will get to conduct entire Corporate and Personal assignments from start to finish including VA’s and CVL’s of $15M-20M in turnover. In addition you will be involved with larger VA’s and receiverships.

Up to 12 months Insolvency experience within an Australian practice. Undertaking CA, CPA, IPA or degree.

Sounds like you?

To see where this role will take you click "APPLY" below and I will contact you confidentially to discuss before I approach the client.


Not the right fit?

No problem, as a Leading Specialist Recruiter of Insolvency Professionals, I'm constantly updated by my clients of roles before they hit the market. If it's choice you want, contact Sydney's Insolvency Specialist.

I understand the insolvency scene is close-knit, your confidentiality is my priority.

Aaron Matrljan

The Insolvency Specialist

(02) 9467 6767

0405 100 650 (all hours)

Proven candidate results:

If you haven't applied yet.... why not?