Intake Coordinator Job in Everett, Massachusetts Us
Ambulatory Division
Mental Health Counselor II/Intake Coordinator
Everett Outpatient Services
The Eliot Outpatient Clinic located in Everett, MA has an opening for a full-time Intake Coordinator. The ideal candidate will be a goal oriented professional with an ability to work well within a diverse client population and clinical team. The ideal candidate will be able to effectively multi-task, work independently as required, and have experience in an outpatient clinic setting. Experience in multiple settings and knowledge of community programs is preferred. The candidate should be comfortable with adaptive change and continuous program development.
The position requires the provision of direct client hours in the form of conducting intakes and providing therapy to a small caseload as well as extensive administrative responsibilities.
· Provide intake coverage, including telephone screening, face-to-face evaluations, crisis intervention, resource and referral information and emergency back-up coverage for the outpatient clinic
· Provide consultation and community education as required to outside agencies (i.e. residential programs, DMH, DCF, etc)
· Provide assessment services to children and adolescents being referred by local school departments to determine level of risk to self or others,
· Provide diagnostic evaluation and psychotherapy to children, adolescents, and adults utilizing various treatment modalities
· Provide evaluation and psychotherapy to children, adolescents and adults utilizing various treatment modalities.
$37,000-$40,000 annually