Integrated Family of Test Equipment Operator Job in 97015

The Army National Guard is wired and it.s the Integrated Family of TestEquipment (IFTE) Operator/Maintainer that helps keep it that way. Electronicinstruments touch every aspect of Army life, from health care and weatherforecasting to flight control and combat. This requires a dedicated team ofexperts to repair and maintain these instruments.

The IFTE Operator/Maintainer is primarily responsible for maintaining the baseshop test facility. Specific duties may include: performing electronicmaintenance, adjustments, and tests; operating and performing preventivemaintenance checks and services on assigned vehicles and power generators;performing march order and emplacement of the base shop test facility;installing supported weapon system test program sets; replacing defectivecomponents and performing base shop test facility alignments; readingtechnical diagrams and manuals; and replacing equipment parts, such asresistors, switches, and circuit boards.

Plus, you.ll be building a better future. The skills you learn as an IFTEOperator/Maintainer will help you in a civilian career at manufacturingcompanies, medical research facilities, satellite communications firms, orcommercial airline companies. The same skills may also prepare you for afuture with the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Aeronautics andSpace Administration, or the National Weather Service. Through your training,experience, and some additional study, you may be able to qualify forElectronics Technician Association (ETA) certification.

Earn while you learn

Get paid to learn! In the Army National Guard, you will learn valuable jobskills while earning a regular paycheck and qualifying for tuition assistance.

Job training for an IFTE Operator/Maintainer consists of nine weeks of BasicTraining, where you'll learn basic Soldiering skills, and 34 weeks ofclassroom instruction, including practice in repairing and replacing equipmentparts.


. Paid training
. A monthly paycheck
. Montgomery G.I. Bill
. Up to 100 percent Tuition Assistance for college or vocational training (upto $4,500 per fiscal year, 1 October . 30 September)
. Retirement benefits for part-time service
. Low-cost life insurance (up to $400,000 in coverage)
. 401(k)-type savings plan
. Student Loan Repayment Program (up to $50,000, for existing loans)
. Healthcare Benefits Available


. High School Diploma or GED (If you do not have a diploma or GED, you maystill apply . ask a recruiter about how the Army National Guard can help youearn your GED.)
. Must be between the ages of 17 and 35