Internship, Evaluation Department recruitment

Role Overview

The work of the Evaluation Department (EvD) of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD or the Bank) provides an independent assessment of how well the Bank is accomplishing its institutional mission as discernible from the evaluation of a selection of operations. EvD thus performs an essential accountability and transparency function vis-à-vis the Board and shareholders. EvDs other key function relates to quality management whereby the Department contributes with lessons learned to improve future projects.

The Evaluation Department's Lessons Database is a compilation of findings from past experience, and is intended to be a tool with which Operations staff may design, plan and implement future projects more effectively and with greater success. It currently contains over 3000 lessons from past evaluation reports, some quite old; is presented in an inconsistent and disjointed way; and, is neither valued nor widely underutilised by the target audience. A major content audit and substantial redrafting and restructuring is needed to ensure that lessons are relevant, useful, accessible and insightful for Bankers planning new projects. This renewal of the Lessons Learned database is an integral component of EvD's strategic repositioning within the Bank, and is also a necessary component of a wider effort to improve project quality at entry.

The position formally reports to the Senior Advisor; primary coordination and working relationship with the Communications Officer.

Key Responsibilities and Deliverables

Assistance is required from an individual who can:

The Evaluation Department is also developing new e-learning modules as part of EBRD's basic training suite. The incumbent will be asked to contribute to this work, including by identifying and organizing appropriate material and possibly preparing selected case studies.

EvD is currently updating its web materials in conjunction with the Communications Department. The incumbent should expect to:

The incumbent should also expect to provide document search and other research on selected topics on an ad hoc basis, and may be asked to assist in other areas as the need arises.

Essential Skills, Experience Qualifications

Competencies Personal Attributes