Junior C# Front End Developer at MetalPrices.com (Basalt, CO) (allows remote)

Job Description

MetalPrices.com is a subscription based service publishing over 500 price assessments (non-ferrous, ferrous, steel/iron, ferro-alloys, minor metals, rare earth, and precious metals).  The company is a licensed distributor for the London Metal Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX/COMEX), the Shanghai Futures Exchange, and the Dow Jones News Service.   The service also includes products to support our target market’s core business which include manufacturers and traders.  We are seeking a full-time developer to help our team expand and improve the current features and offerings of our website and associated services.  This position will primarily be working with our website, handling system administration, and 2nd level customer support. 

Skills Requirements

About MetalPrices.com

Joel Test score: 12 out of 12

The Joel Test is a twelve-question measure of the quality of a software team.


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September 30, 2013 • Posted in: Technology

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