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Corporate Social Responsibility

Successful global businesses have the power to make a real difference. Economic performance and social responsibility can go hand in hand, when there is a genuine consideration of our impact on the environment and communities in which we live and work. While being green is a valid part of this philosophy, it’s just a tiny part of the bigger, bluer, picture. At Canon, we view Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a truly holistic challenge that embraces not just green issues, but ethics, attitudes and a response to genuine social needs. This belief in positive behaviour – be it humanitarian aid and disaster relief, arts, culture, education, science or social welfare – has been embedded in the way we work for decades. Our corporate philosophy of Kyosei: “Living and working together for the common good,” was introduced in 1988. Since then, we have brought Kyosei to life in all aspects of our business. Canon’s Global Code of Conduct incorporates our guiding Three Selfs principles: Self Awareness, Self Management, and Self Motivation. We’re proud of our record as a responsible company and help our customers make informed choices about the products they buy – and the company they buy them from. For more detailed information on our global CSR activities, whether recycling or waste consumption; ISO 14001; WWF; local community projects; and / or planning a more responsible future, please visit our website http://www.canon-europe.com