Lead Financial Analyst
Lead Financial Analyst - Dallas
Job duties: · Manage the Critical Accounting Notification (CAN) process embedded within the overall procurement process. CANs are electronically-generated e-mails indicating contracting situations that include certain terms that can give rise to the need for special steps to ensure proper accounting. When Sr. Contract Managers enter contract data into their tracking system, a series of accounting-related questions are presented. If the answer to any of these questions is ?yes?, a CAN is generated. As CANs are received, discussions must be scheduled with the Sr. Contract Manager handling the contract so that highlighted terms can be understood. If these terms do create the need for special steps to ensure proper accounting, the steps must be coordinated and communicated to those who will carry them out. · Work with Sr. Contract Managers as accounting questions arise regarding situations when they are engaged. This position serves as the point of contact for any type of financially-related question and often leads to consulting with the client organization as well or helping the Contract Managers structure contract language to support desired financial results. · Identify situations that need to be coordinated with Accounting Policy or others in the accounting organization. These situations can come via the CAN process or just through discussions with Sr. Contract Managers. · Review savings projects that exceed $2M in total savings, making sure the detail documentation supports the savings claimed. This review also provides a detective control to determine if any savings situations should have generated a CAN but did not. If a CAN should have been generated, then steps need to be taken to help ensure the Sr. Contract Manager and his/her leadership understand that the CAN process is part of our overall SOX control environment and it?s important that the process be followed correctly. Required skills/competencies: · Able to build relationships across the corporation, especially in the Finance area with those organizations supporting operations as well as the Accounting and External Reporting groups. · Able to identify people who need to be part of a team when special steps are required to ensure transactions are properly recorded for financial reporting purposes. Often, these special steps are new and there is no prior information upon which to draw. · Able to cope with ambiguity while developing steps needed to properly record transactions. · Able to pull pieces of information together and create a bigger picture when this bigger picture has not been created for you.