Marketing Analyst — Meta Search Media Planner Job in Grapevine 76051, Texas US

Marketing Analyst — Meta Search Media Planner

Travelocity® is committed to being the traveler's champion -- before, during and after the trip - and is the only online travel company that guarantees not just the price, but the entire travel experience - see for details. This customer-driven focus, backed by 24/7 live phone support, great prices and powerful shopping technology has made Travelocity the sixth largest travel agency -- booking $10.1 billion in travel worldwide in 2006. Based in Southlake, Texas, Travelocity also owns and operates Travelocity Business® for corporate travelers,, a leader in European online travel and ZUJI, a leader in Asia-Pacific online travel. Travelocity is owned by Sabre Holdings Corporation, a world leader in travel commerce.

This role is primarily focused on Travelocity North America Meta (Travel Search) Marketing Channel, working both cross functionally and consultatively with key business stakeholders. This is a great opportunity to use and build terrific skills in data analysis as well as digital marketing.


The Travel Search Marketing Analyst manages the day to day business relationship with Travel Search Partners such as Kayak and TripAdvisor and uses analytic expertise to provide end to end analysis, insights and reporting for placements and publishers. He/She works on improving the efficiency of all placements as well as running regular evaluation of the channel/publishers and reporting needs of their categories.


Job Responsibilities:

Travelocity® is committed to being the traveler's champion -- before, during and after the trip - and provides the most comprehensive and proactive guarantee in the industry ( This customer-driven focus, backed by 24/7 live phone support, competitive prices and powerful shopping technology has made Travelocity one of the largest travel companies in the world.   Travelocity also owns and operates: Travelocity Business® for corporate travel;, a leading online travel community;, a leader in European online travel; and ZUJI, a leader in Asia-Pacific online travel. Travelocity is owned by Sabre Holdings Corporation, a world leader in travel marketing and distribution.
Sabre Holdings connects people with the world's greatest travel possibilities by retailing industry-leading travel products and providing distribution and technology solutions for the travel industry through our three companies: Travelocity Global, Sabre Travel Network and Sabre Airline Solutions. Headquartered in Southlake, Texas, Sabre Holdings has approximately 9,000 employees in more than 55 countries. Our teams around the world work together to support travelers, travel agents, corporations, government agencies and travel suppliers. Our team members are people who take initiative, are resourceful and innovative, and are passionate about what they do. In return for their hard work and dedication, Sabre Holdings provides our employees with countless learning and growth opportunities, a healthy work-life balance and a fun, yet productive, work environment.


Travelocity is an EOE