Metallic Materials Technology Engineer 23 Job in Seattle, Washington US

Boeing is a place where amazing people achieve amazing things. Here, you can transform aerospace, make history—and even change the world. And you'll work alongside other experts and visionaries who lead and inspire. Our workforce includes every profession and career path you can imagine, taking you as far as you can dream.

Location Seattle, WA

Security Clearance Required? No Security Clearance Required

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Position Description

Defines requirements for materials, parts and processes used in the manufacture of products. Produces specifications and other documents to manage the deployment of materials, parts and processes. Maintains compliance with contractual and regulatory obligations. Promotes standardization across business activities. Evaluates emerging technologies for potential application to business needs. Develops and qualifies new materials, parts and processes to meet requirements. Integrates new technologies as appropriate. Manages test and audit programs to qualify suppliers to applicable requirements. Conducts analysis to determine reasons for failures of materials, parts or processes. Implements corrective and preventive actions. Designs, develops and qualifies computer and production systems to satisfy user requirements. Works under general direction.



[ + ] Adaptability
Generally understands changes in own and others' work-group tasks and situations as well as the logic or basis for change; generally seeks information about changes affecting own and fellow employees' jobs. Treats changes and new situations as opportunities for learning or growth; focuses on the beneficial aspects of change; speaks positively about the change to work group members, direct supervisor, and occasionally members of others work groups. Quickly modifies behavior to deal effectively with changes in the work environment; readily tries new approaches appropriate for new or changed situations; does not persist with ineffective behaviors.

[ + ] Collaboration
Generally works effectively and cooperatively with work group members, direct supervisor, and occasionally members of others work groups; establishes and maintains good working relationships by helping people feel valued, appreciated, and included in discussions. Places higher priority on team and/or organization goals than on own goals. Normally offers to help work group members, direct supervisor, and occasionally members of others work groups when they need assistance.

[ + ] Communication
Generally clarifies purpose and importance; stresses major points; follows a logical sequence. Usually keeps the audience engaged through use of techniques such as analogies, illustrations, humor, an appealing style, body language, and voice inflection. Frames the message in line with audience experience, background, and expectations; uses terms, examples, and analogies that are meaningful to the audience. Generally seeks input from audience; checks understanding; presents message in different ways to enhance understanding. Uses syntax, pace, volume, diction, and mechanics appropriate to the media being used. Accurately interprets messages from others and responds appropriately.

[ + ] Customer Focus
Considers customers and their needs when performing and/or working with others on routine tasks; supports others and occasionally becomes directly involved in developing and sustaining customer relationships; assists more experienced employees in seeking information to understand customers' circumstances, problems, expectations, and needs; prepares information which more experienced employees will share with customers to build their understanding of issues and capabilities; considers how day-to-day actions or plans affect customers; responds quickly to help others address customer needs and resolve problems.

[ + ] Innovation
Generally identifies assumptions in the way problems or situations of moderate scope and complexity are defined or presented. Sees alternative ways to view or define problems; is not constrained by the thoughts or approaches of work group members or inter-organizational employees. Generally draws upon multiple and diverse sources (individuals, disciplines, bodies of knowledge) for ideas and inspiration. Combines ideas in unique ways or makes connections between disparate ideas; explores different lines of thought. Views situations from multiple perspectives; brainstorms multiple approaches/solutions. Examines some potential solutions and evaluates each before accepting any; targets important areas for innovation and develops solutions that address meaningful issues in own and other work areas.


[ + ] Engineering Drawings Specs
Basic - General ability to read, understand, and interpret engineering drawings and specifications.
Preferred -Complete ability to read, understand, and interpret basic engineering drawings and specifications.

[ + ] Engineering Standards
Basic - General knowledge of specification format requirements, guidelines, and change control processes. Understanding of relationship between specifications/standards and aircraft/product certification systems.
Preferred -Complete knowledge of specification format requirements, guidelines, and change control processes. Understanding of relationship between specifications/standards and aircraft/product certification systems.

[ + ] Materials Processing
Basic - Universal knowledge of material processing for metals (e.g., welding forging, heat treat, machining, forming), polymers and composites (e.g., autoclave curing, lay-up, co-curing, repair), sealants and finishes processing (e.g., plating, painting, surface preparation, fay surface sealing, fillet sealing), and ceramic (e.g., high temperature processing, machining) and electronic materials (e.g., soldering, printed circuit board cleaning, conformal coating).
Preferred -Fully knowledgeable about material processing for metals (e.g., welding forging, heat treat, machining, forming), polymers and composites (e.g., autoclave curing, lay-up, co-curing, repair), sealants and finishes processing (e.g., plating, painting, surface preparation, fay surface sealing, fillet sealing), and ceramic (e.g., high temperature processing, machining) and electronic materials (e.g., soldering, printed circuit board cleaning, conformal coating).

[ + ] Metallic Materials
Basic - General knowledge of metal alloys and their physical, structural and chemical properties.
Preferred -Complete knowledge of metal alloys and their physical, structural and chemical properties.

[ + ] Research Methods
Basic - General knowledge of research tools (e.g., search engines, library databases), methods (e.g., search parameters), and appropriate resources (e.g., external experts) to gather needed data.
Preferred -Complete knowledge of research tools (e.g., search engines, library databases), methods (e.g., search parameters), and appropriate resources (e.g., external experts) to gather needed data.

Basic Qualifications For Consideration

Do you have experience working with titanium and/or iron based alloys?

Do you have experience working in a materials and/or processes environment?

Typical Education/Experience

Level 2 - Degree and typical experience in engineering classification: Bachelor's and 2 or more years' experience or a Master's degree with experience. Bachelor, Master or Doctorate of Science degree from an accredited course of study, in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics or chemistry. ABET is the preferred, although not required, accreditation standard. Level 3 - Degree and typical experience in engineering classification: Bachelor's and 5 or more years' experience, Master's degree with 3 or more years' experience or PhD degree with experience. Bachelor, Master or Doctorate of Science degree from an accredited course of study, in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics or chemistry. ABET is the preferred, although not required, accreditation standard.

Other Job related information

Knowledge and experience of metallic materials and processes research is a plus. Knowledge and experience supporting Boeing Commercial Airplane programs is a plus. Knowledge and experience in integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) is a plus. Prefer a degree in Metallurgical or Materials Science and Engineering?

Closing Date: 04/03/2012about closing dates

Knowledge of occupational health and safety sciences.

Boeing is an equal opportunity employer supporting diversity in the workplace.