NIE Manager Job in 28053



About the Job

Professional NIE Manager PNC Newspapers (The Shelby Star and The Gaston Gazette) is searching for someone to manage the Newspaper in Education program. This position is responsible for the development, execution and maintenance of all aspects of the NIE program in both the Gastonia and the Shelby markets. The NIE Manager is responsible for planning, directing and coordinating activities designed to solicit, maintain and increase funding as necessary to support the program. In this role, the NIE Manager must establish goals for soliciting funds, develop policies/ procedures for collection and safeguarding of contributions, and coordinate disbursement of funds. The NIE Manager is also responsible for working with the school system and other constituents to develop, research, and contract with outside vendors for content development and other supporting activities as necessary for the effective execution of the program. The manager must direct the program in a manner that achieves the programs financial objectives while meeting the needs of the education system in both Gaston and Cleveland counties. The position requires someone who can develop and manage budgets that ensure that all activities meet the financial objectives for the program; who can develop fundraising events to gain increased funding not provided through grants and donations. While managing the budget and fundraising events, the NIE Manager must also identify the NIE needs and desires of the school systems and other constituents by continued interaction and development of relationships with teachers, principals and school board members. If you are passionate about the Newspaper in Education program and possess the skills required for this position, submit your resume with cover letter that includes salary requirements to

March 21, 2011 • Tags:  • Posted in: General