Part-time Compliance Officer CF10/11 recruitment

Working with senior management to create a culture in which compliance and TCF is everyone's responsibility.

To ensure all staff are aware of the rules and procedures to safely fulfil their roles.

To consult on compliance issues, rules and their interpretation.

To identify risk from regulatory changes and to make recommendations to senior management.

To react to allegations on rule breaches, complaints and investigations

To manage the firm's relationships with regulatory bodies

Responsible for Market Abuse controls and to act as MLRO

To enhance, produce and mantain reports for all monitoring and regulatory programs and procedures

Ensure up to date knowledge on regulation and ensuring practical dissemination

To review Financial Promotions

To work with HR with regard to TC requirements

To make timely reports to the FSA

You will have to be visible, practical and have the confidence, gravitas and experience to head Compliance.  Experience of working in a stockbroking environment.  Excellent knowledge of the FSA Handbook.  You will have the ability to make unpopular decisions and good reporting and presentation skills.