Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Rehab Nurses Job in Tampa 33606, Florida Us

Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Rehab Nurses

Needed for new Florida Program

eQHealth Solutions, a leader in utilization management and quality review, is hiring experienced therapists, knowledgeable in effective clinical management  to participate in the Florida Medicaid utilization review process.  Florida Medicaid will begin requiring preauthorizations of physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy service ages 0-21, for the first time. We are offering an excellent employment opportunity for dynamic and motivated health care clinicians to join a team of dedicated professionals. Successful candidates will lead our professions into evidence based utilization and render first level review decisions for outpatient therapy services for children under the age 21. Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists or Speech and Language pathologists credentialed and licensed in the State of Florida and who have at least two (2) years therapy experience are sought.  Nurses with 3 years of rehab nursing experience are sought.  Prefer candidates who have experience with utilization management and who are bilingual English/Spanish.  Position located near the Tampa airport. Excellent benefit  package.  Send resumes with salary requirements to:

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