Practical Nursing Instructors, On call health occupations Job in 18222 | |
Management Training
Corporation at the
Keystone Job Corps Center
in Drums, PA
has immediate openings for:
Management Training Corporation (MTC) is a privately-held company that successfully operates Job Corps,
corrections, medical, and international and domestic workforce development contracts. MTC has been serving
disadvantaged populations for 30 years and employs nearly 10,000 workers. MTC is a rapidly-growing, innovative
and competitive company that is the leading operator of Job Corps centers in the United States. Job Corps is a
national residential training and employment program administered by the Department of Labor to address the
multiple barriers to employment faced by disadvantaged youth throughout the United States. Job Corps program s
mission is to assist young people become more responsible, employable and productive citizens. The KKeeyyssttoonnee
JJoobb CCoorrppss CCeenntteerr was one of the first and oldest centers in the United States, opening its doors in 1967. It trains
over 900 students annually in construction and health care fields providing a valuable resource to employers
throughout Pennsylvania and the east coast. MTC offers a competitive wage and comprehensive employee benefits
package. For more information please visit /
PPrraaccttiiccaall NNuurrssiinngg IInnssttrruuccttoorrss Responsible for providing career technical training instruction to students in
accordance with approved curricula and basic direction for the Practical Nursing Trade, in compliance with
government and management directives. Bachelors degree, valid Pennsylvania Nursing license (RN) and three
years experience in acute care and/or LTC setting within the last five years required.
OOnn CCaallll HHeeaalltthh OOccccuuppaattiioonnss IInnssttrruuccttoorrss -- Responsible for providing career technical training instruction to
students in accordance with approved curricula and basic direction for the Certified Nursing Trade, in compliance
with government and management directives. Valid certification, license, or accreditation in PA by a professional
trade organization and one year experience required. Must have a valid PA driver s license with an acceptable
driving record.
FFuullll TTiimmee CCaarreeeerr DDeevveellooppmmeenntt CCoouunnsseelloorr Responsible for planning, coordinating, developing and
implementing a professional individual and group career development counseling program for assigned students.
Requires a Bachelor s degree including 15 semester hours in social services related instruction and one year
PPaarrtt TTiimmee BBuuss DDrriivveerrss -- Responsible for keeping vehicles in a clean and orderly condition and for operating
vehicles for the purpose of transporting, in compliance with government and management directives. Schedule:
Tuesday 5:00pm - 8:30pm Thursday 3:00pm - 8:30pm Friday 11:45am - 4:45pm. High school diploma or
equivalent and one year experience as a licensed driver required. General knowledge of maintenance/repair
preferred. Valid PA CDL with a physical examination certificate semi annually and an acceptable driving record also
PPaarrtt TTiimmee DDrriivveerr ss EEdduuccaattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttoorr Responsible for providing academic instruction in the field of PA
Driver s Education to students in accordance with approved curricula. Requires a valid PA teaching certificate and
one year related experience.
OOnn CCaallll RReessiiddeennttiiaall AAddvviissoorrss Responsible for providing proper guidance to students to ensure positive group
living relations and achievement in the program, which includes the supervision of designated dorms and
maintenance of a safe, secure, and clean living environment which is appropriate to students. Requires High school
diploma and valid driver s license with a clean driving record. May lead to full time position.
PPaarrtt TTiimmee INSERTTEXT80758666HERE OOnn CCaallll KKiittcchheenn HHeellppeerr - Assists the cooks in preparation of student meals in compliance with
government and management directives. High school diploma or equivalent required. Experience in food service
industry with sanitation regulations also required. Serve Safe certification preferred. Valid driver s license, in the
state of employment with an acceptable driving record. Mon Tues 5:30pm-9:30pm; Sat INSERTTEXT80758666HERE Sun 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Criminal Background Check, Driver History Check and PA Child Abuse History Clearance required.
Interested candidates can create a profile to apply online at
Equal Opportunity Employer
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