Practitioner Job in Alice Springs 0870, Northern Territory Australia


in government

Vacancies close 25 November 2011

Remote Area Rotation Initiative Advanced Practitioner

Professional 2

Remuneration Package Range $77 462 - $92 652 Regional Services

Quote Vacancy Number: 212006

Deliver direct services to children and families and support staff to achieve quality service outcomes for clients in accordance with legislative and policy guidelines. Ten temporary vacancies are available for up to 2 years in Alice Springs and Katherine. Successful applicants must be prepared and willing to travel to remote locations by four-wheel drive or light aircraft.

Remuneration packages in the NT Public Sector incorporate annual salary, employer superannuation, leave loading and the value of 2 weeks extra recreation leave. Further information about the components of remuneration packages are available from our website. *Indicates salary component only.

The Northern Territory Government is an equal opportunity employer and values an inclusive and diverse workforce.

For further information regarding advertised positions:

• 1300 659 247

This ad appeared in The Centralian Advocate on 11 Nov 11