Production Support Director Job in Montreal H3B3A7, Quebec Canada

Production Support Director


Permanent Position


Start: As soon as possible




English Environment



This position will be responsible for managing 2 groups:


1)        Application and database support Level 1

2)        Application Support Level 2

The mandate for this candidate will be to manage a team of 5 resources and oversee their activities to ensure that all software developed follows code release guidelines and that the change control process is followed.  The candidate will also need to make sure that standards are followed for Application support, SLAs, and software releases.

More specifically, the candidate will need be responsible for the following:

o       Team Management of 5 Support engineers (Level 2 Applications /Database)

o       Stay on top of issues and provide status to stakeholders as needed

o       Provide weekly status reporting on releases and environment changes.

o       Refine and implement the standards, processes, and templates for Software Release Management to ensure we have higher levels of efficiencies in maintaining and enhancing existing applications.

o       Participate in decision for solutions delivered by the software development and client deployment teams making sure that all the environments can cope with new technologies and approaches.

o       Ensure that Code reviews are conducted by the team before releases are moved to production.  This is to also ensure that the new code or code changes conform to Production standards as defined by IT Ops and App Development.


o       Development of minor enhancements and bug fixes for applications in production.

o       Maintain the staging, Pre-production and production environments,

o       Deployments, Maintenance, patching of Applications, Data refresh, Backup /  restoring, Securing and safeguarding the environments

o       Build monitoring scripts to track configuration modifications

o       Develop enhancements and features to existing applications

o       Maintain code in production and handle bug fixing.

o       Ensure we have monitoring scripts to track configuration modifications

o       Create clear and concise governance rules across release lifecycle of all development and client projects.

o       Investigate all User feedback/production issues in a timely manner and provide a recommendation to the development team.


o       Assess weaknesses of our current environment, recommend improvements to our Application environments to help standardize and streamline the move to prod and support process

o       Evaluate solutions proposed by the Dev team, validate them and implement changes as needed to meet our production support environment standards and guidelines.

o       Manage the environment configuration for Critical/Urgent changes, preventive changes, feature changes as well as Software Life Cycle Management.


o       Maintain the staging preprod and prod environments (Deployments to staging, preprod and prod, Maintenance, patching of Application to staging, preprod and prod,

o       IT Ops Enhancements: Development and implementation of IT-Ops tools for better support of the application

o       Manage builds for mobile devices (iPhone, blackberry, android, etc.)

o       Manage all build environments for mobile devices including SDKs.

o       Assist the development team in resolving mobile specific issues.

o       Submit mobile application binaries to vendor online stores (i.e.: Apple App Store)






Required Skills:


PHP (mbstring, simpleXML),Java (Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Struts, Hibernate, Tomcat), JavaScript (jQuery, AJAX, JSON), CSS (float layout), HTML (span vs. div), XML, MySQL (MyISAM vs. InnoDB)




Supplementary Skills