Quant Analyst recruitment

Some responsibilities will include developing new trading ideas and devising the simulations needed to test them.  

Candidates with existing financial experience or outside the industry candidates with keen insight and innovation for trading profitably should apply.  

Exceptionally talented students at the top of their respective math, physics, engineering, and computer science programs are ideal.  Awards and honors in Putnam, IMO, other National Olympiads are a plus.

- 0 to 5 years experience 
- PhD in Physics, Math, EE, CS, Machine Learning from top-tier academic programs in the US and abroad
- Post-docs at top-tier institutions and/or experience at top-tier research labs 
- C++, Java and/or C# experience in addition to Matlab, R, and SAS 
- Experience working with real world large datasets 
- Best Student Paper awards at conferences like IEEE and NIPS are a plus
- Highly-cited publications in top peer-reviewed journals are a plus